The certification company offers you a wide range of certification options in the most diverse areas of activity for your company – and that with a system.


SCC: Safety certificate for managers and employees

SCC examinations according to the SGU regulations
SCC – these three letters can have meaning for companies providing services to industrial enterprises.

SCC is a specific management system for contractors in the field of safety, health and environment (SHE). If clients require this management system from companies that provide technical services or work for them or act as personnel service providers, their operational managers and employees need a personal SCC certificate.

This certificate requires a passed SHE examination according to the SCC regulations.


SGU examinations of operational managers and employees

As an SCC personal certification body, we offer SGU examinations.
Our focus is on operational managers. If you pass the exam, you will receive an SCC certificate for the SGU exam that is valid for ten years.

You will find the requirements for the examination in our examination regulations.

Some professional associations offer preparatory training courses.
Here you can bring your SHE knowledge up to date – an ideal preparation for the exam.


Registration for the examination

To register for the examination, please contact us directly at the bottom of this page.

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